Sentence example with the word 'vizor'


Definition n. a piece of armor plate

Last update: October 21, 2015


Sir Ralph shouted, raising his vizor that his voice might reach all; "give no quarter; the business must be ended once and for all."   [Please select]


The former, as no missiles were flying, had thrown up his vizor, the better to be able to see what was passing round him.   [Please select]


'Now this I have to say to ye,' said Arthur, lifting his vizor and showing a stern countenance.   [Please select]


Sir Tristram leaped upon him and placed the point of his sword between the bars of Sir Blamor's vizor, bidding him yield.   [Please select]


Or that vizor masks, and gloves and hoods grow on bushes.   [Please select]


One landed, full-winged, against the grand duke's chest and swept his vizored cap off his head and rolled it into the dust.   [Please select]


When he went to school he would add a cap with a long vizor like a shovel-blade.   [Please select]


The whole helmet with the exception of the vizor, should be modeled and made in one piece.   [Please select]


As he put spurs to his horse Edgar had dropped his vizor down again, for he wanted to strike now, and not to have to defend himself.   [Please select]


I could scarcely believe my eyes when you lifted your vizor, for it seemed to me that you must be in the prime of your manhood, and possessed of strength altogether out of the common.   [Please select]

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vizir - vizor - vizored