Sentence example with the word 'vivarium'


Definition n. an indoor enclosure for keeping and raising living animals and plants and observing them under natural conditions

Last update: September 21, 2015


The Naturalist's Miscellany or Vivarium Naturale, in English and Latin, of Shaw and Nodder, the former being the author, the latter the draughtsman and engraver, was begun in 1789 and carried on till Shaw's death, forming twenty-four volumes.   [Please select]


The pilgrim is well met; he will go to swell the contents of my vivarium.   [Please select]


Thus do I fill my vivarium, which consists of a large, bell-shaped cage of wire-gauze, standing in an earthenware pan full of sand.   [Please select]


Vinicius stood up, and said,--"Lions are roaring in the vivarium."   [Please select]


Evidently the vivarium near the temple of Esculapius, on the neighboring island, had caught fire.   [Please select]


In this vivarium every kind of wild beast, and among others lions, began to roar from affright.   [Please select]


There place them in some form of vivarium, which simply means a box or cage in which you can keep living creatures.   [Please select]

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vivaria - vivarium - vivas