I, Simple disk of Microcodon; 2, bdelloid disk of Rotifer and of most Melicertids showing dorsal gap; 3, disk of Hydatina, with lobed ridges in the groove, bearing vibratile styles (membranelles); 4, disk of Melicerta ringens and M. [Please select]
Vibratile: formed for vibratory motion: used to express the almost continual movement of the antennae of some Hymenoptera, and the wings of some Diptera. [Please select]
Their inner surface is amoeboid and in certain conditions bears one or more vibratile cilia or protoplasmic lashes. [Please select]
This larva swims by means of minute vibratile hairs, or ciliƦ. [Please select]
57) very closely resembles some of the Rotatoria, such for instance as _Albertia_ or _Notommata_, which however possess vibratile cilia. [Please select]
They are flat rounded-oblong creatures, with a distinct integument or skin, "through which numerous vibratile cilia pass in regular rows." [Please select]
No one of the members of these four classes is known to possess vibratile cilia. [Please select]
_chamber_ _Collar-cell_ (_choanocyte_) Cell provided at one end with a membranous collar and a vibratile lash or flagellum that springs from within the collar. [Please select]
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