Sentence example with the word 'vetch'


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Definition n. any of various climbing plants of the genus Vicia having pinnately compound leaves that terminate in tendrils and small variously colored flowers

Last update: August 1, 2015


Vetch is used as a fodder for cattle.   [Please select]


They abound in particular upon the great forest vetch (_Lathyrus latifolius_), with its magnificent heads of flowers and long handsome pods.   [Please select]


Consequently this superb vetch is in general able to nourish without much loss the family confided to its pod.   [Please select]


Over trellises ran the tiny morning-glory, with vetch and trailing arbutus.   [Please select]


There are also two winter annuals that reproduce themselves in which I have considerable confidence, namely, burr clover and narrow-leaf vetch.   [Please select]


She started forward quickly, her foot caught in a tangle of vetch vine and she pitched heavily forward.   [Please select]


After this, Vetch had found his way to Boston, where he soon became prominent.   [Please select]


Queen Anne, Vetch was resolved, should be "Sole Empress of the vast North American Continent."   [Please select]


Port Royal was renamed Annapolis and Vetch was made its Governor.   [Please select]


Its food plants are the tufted vetch (_Vicia Cracca_), bird's-foot trefoil (_Lotus corniculatus_ and _L.')   [Please select]


--A very fine odor may be abstracted from the flowers of the chick-vetch by maceration in any fatty body, and then digesting the pomade produced in spirit.   [Please select]

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