Sentence example with the word 'vertebral'


Definition adj. of or relating to or constituting vertebrae

Last update: August 20, 2015


Notwithstanding the origin of organs, it still for a certain time, by reason of its want of an internal bony skeleton, remains worm and mollusk, and only later enters into the series of the Vertebrata, although traces of the vertebral column even in the earliest periods testify its claim to a place in that series."   [Please select]


6) the pattern of vertebral and rib development is more complex, and there has been much controversy over its interpretation.   [Please select]


His leg bones and ribs were mostly disarticulated, his skull was separated from the vertebral column, and his mandible had separated.   [Please select]


Its vertical diameter--measured from the sternum to the vertebral column--is greater than the transverse measurement (Fig.)   [Please select]


In birds the scapula is elongated in a direction parallel to the vertebral column, and very narrow in the opposite (Fig.)   [Please select]


In contracting, this muscle brings the chest nearer the pelvis, and as a result flexes the vertebral column.   [Please select]


A paravertebral stripe is one that is present on the scale-row on either side of, but not including, the mid-dorsal (vertebral) scale-row.   [Please select]


Stripes are never present on the uniformly pale colored 8th, 9th and vertebral scale-rows.   [Please select]


786F, 787F, 11450) show parts of the vertebral column, but isolated neural and haemal arches are numerous.   [Please select]


The thoracic region of the vertebral column is thought to be such a part.   [Please select]


This Broadway franchise formed the vertebral column of the New York transit system; with it as a basis, the operators formed the Metropolitan Street Railway Company in 1893, commonly known as the "Metropolitan."   [Please select]

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