"Your information may be better than mine," Anna Pavlovna suddenly and venomously retorted on the inexperienced young man, "but I know on good authority that this doctor is a very learned and able man. [Please select]
"My name's Hickey," he informed him venomously, "and don't yeh lose sight of that after this." [Please select]
A wizened old Malay, with a crooked back and bereft of one eye, rose and shook a spear venomously. [Please select]
"Now we'll see," he continued venomously, "how far you can go alone."' [Please select]
Harry saw little flashes of fire, and he heard bullets hiss so venomously that a chill ran along his spine. [Please select]
He cursed them aloud venomously and incoherently, then loosed his hold and stepped out upon the plank. [Please select]
Venomously he added: "It is my belief that we shall not meet again." [Please select]
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