The unexpanded wings are visible on each side--very small, but with all their veinings distinctly seen; and the breathing holes, called spiracles, are placed in a row on each side of the body. [Please select]
A closer view, however, shows it to be very distinct from all the other "Whites;" its _decided black veinings on a milk-white ground_, in conjunction with its large size, being sufficient for its immediate recognition. [Please select]
Thin streaks of cascades on precipitous rocks made silver veinings in ebony. [Please select]
Daunt could see its masses of dark green foliage with their pink veinings of cherry-trees, and the crawling line of board-walk, perched on piling, which gave access from the mainland when the tide was in. [Please select]
And Ralph declared that, so far as he knew anything about it, there was nothing like the air of Paris to bring out the tones and colorings and veinings of hotel life. [Please select]
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