Man meanwhile swings his scythe around; Continually back and forth it veers, Flashing its steel amidst the ruddy ears. [Please select]
Very slowly the insect veers round from right to left, then from left to right. [Please select]
In order to pass from the former to the latter, the insect veers round by describing the arc of a circle. [Please select]
In the eastern part of the Great Plains, however, the average circulation veers again slightly west of north. [Please select]
The vanquished Cricket scuttles off as fast as he can; the victor insults him by a couple of triumphant and boastful chirps; then, moderating his tone, he tacks and veers about the desired one. [Please select]
Now the dark column moves steadily onward, now veers in confusion from some suspected or discovered danger, or pauses to assail with a harsh clangor some sworn enemy of the sable brotherhood. [Please select]
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