Sentence example with the word 'vaunting'


Last update: July 3, 2015


But the address and the expression in the italicized passage just quoted (which evidently alludes to the vaunting epistle of 1165) hardly leave room for doubt that the pope supposed himself to be addressing the author of that letter.   [Please select]


Never was a boy more completely cowed than was this vaunting youth, on whom all the others had looked with such admiration and awe.   [Please select]


Here is his bride; he feels it now, and all his vain vaunting are hushed.   [Please select]


Rousseau is constantly vaunting not only the morality but the happiness of rural life.   [Please select]


Vaunting her poverty in our very faces and refusing to make herself pleasant or one with us in any sort of way.   [Please select]


'Thy vaunting of thy recreant kinsman's might will not avail thee,' he cried furiously.   [Please select]


Now he answered with a burst of vaunting oaths: "We're in deep water, and there's deep water beyond."'   [Please select]

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vaunter - vaunting - vauntingly