Sentence example with the word 'vanquisher'


champ, champion, conquering hero, conqueror, conquistador, defeater, easy winner, hero, master, pancratiast, runner-up, shoo-in, subduer, subjugator, sure winner, top dog, triumpher, victor, winner

Definition n. someone who is victorious by force of arms

Last update: September 15, 2015


Earlier in the work, however, we have the adventures of Brutus; of his follower Corineus, the vanquisher of the Cornish giant Goemagol (Gogmagog); of Locrinus and his daughter Sabre (immortalized in Milton's Comus); of Bladud the builder of Bath; of Lear and his daughters; of the three pairs of brothers, Ferrex and Porrex, Brennius and Belinus, Elidure and Peridure.   [Please select]


Scipio, having his brother, the vanquisher of Carthage, for his lieutenant, went in 564 to seek him out in his own territory.   [Please select]


It is curious to see two men, each vanquisher of a sedition, terminate their lives in a foreign land, exposed to the hatred and contempt of their fellow-citizens.   [Please select]


Vanquisher of Metellus for several years, Sertorius, gifted with a vast military genius, exercising great influence over the Celtiberians and Lusitanians, and master of the passes,[823] was dreaming of crossing the Alps.   [Please select]

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