Sentence example with the word 'valse'


Definition n. a ballroom dance in triple time with a strong accent on the first beat

Last update: June 27, 2015


Other novelists belonging to this school are: Desiderius Malonyai (Az utolso, " The Last "; Judith konyve, " The Book of Judith "; Tanulmdnyfejek, "Typical Heads "); Julius Pekar (Dodo fohadnagy problemai, " Lieutenant Dodo's Problems "; Az aranykesztyus kisasszony, " The Maid with the Golden Gloves "; A szoborszep asszony, " The Lady as Beautiful as a Statue "; Az esztendo legenddja, " The Legend of the Year "); Thomas Kobor (Aszfalt, " Asphalt "; 0 akarta, " He Wanted It "; A csillagok fele, " Towards the Stars "); Stephen Szomahazy (Huszonnegy Ora, " Twenty-four Hours "; A Clairette Keringd, " The Clairette Valse "; Pdratlan szerddk, " Incomparable Wednesdays "; Nydri felhok, " Clouds of Summer "); Zoltan Thury (Ullrich fdhadnagy es egyeb tortenetek, " Lieutenant Ullrich and other Tales "; Urak es parasztok, " Gentlemen and Peasants "); also Desiderius Szomory, Odon Gero, Arpad Abonyi, Koloman Szanto, Edward Sas, Julius Vertesi, Tibor Denes, Akos Pinter, the Misses Janka and Stephanie Wohl, Mrs Sigismund Gyarmathy and others.   [Please select]


When they had drifted into the drawing-room, Leonore asked: "Have you been learning how to valse."   [Please select]


We had another farewell all round when the valse was over--Godmamma would not stay for another, and even "Antoine" seemed sorry to say "_Adieu."   [Please select]


The whistle blew; the music changed; and off they went upon the dreamy valse.   [Please select]


"He could not dance quadrilles, and, as in my station I unfortunately cannot valse and gallop, I could not dance with him."   [Please select]


[Sidenote: _The Fiancés Together_] The Marquis said it was awful what he was going through; and when the dancing began presently would I give him the first valse.   [Please select]


"Uncle" played another song and a valse; then after a pause he cleared his throat and sang his favorite hunting song: As 'twas growing dark last night Fell the snow so soft and light.'   [Please select]

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valour - valse - valses