Sentence example with the word 'vainest'


Last update: July 4, 2015


"What have these details of the vainest worldly pleasure to do with my conversion, you will ask."   [Please select]


Tristram from her bedroom window with that dispassionate scrutiny to avoid which the vainest would do well to take refuge in noisome caves.   [Please select]


_ was one of the vainest, falsest, and most dashing of Frenchmen.   [Please select]


But he was vainest of all things in Faraway when we drove off with him that morning.   [Please select]


The vainest and most heartless dog of a man stands abashed and helpless before such things in a woman.   [Please select]


Egotism becomes absurd; pride and shame become the vainest of illusions.   [Please select]


Bacon, knowing all that he did, thinking all that he thought, was content to be the echo and the instrument of the cleverest, the foolishest, the vainest, the most pitiably unmanly of English kings.   [Please select]


The lad departed, prouder of his flowing blood than the vainest courtier could be of his blushing ribbon; and stalked among the fellows of his age, an object of general admiration and envy.   [Please select]

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vainer - vainest - vainglorious