Sentence example with the word 'vaguest'


Last update: June 8, 2015


On this topic people are prepared to take sides without having the vaguest idea what they mean by "thinking."   [Please select]


Rebecca was asked to bear witness to a state of mind or feeling of whose existence she had only the vaguest consciousness.   [Please select]


The English people had, however, only the vaguest notion of the extent, appearance, and resources of their new possession.   [Please select]


Its surface was swept clean of even the vaguest anticipation of anything not to be desired.   [Please select]


It had the vaguest sort of basis, but it came home to him with all the power of conviction.   [Please select]


One comes to know the only true and ideal happiness is happiness tinctured with faintest, vaguest hint of tears.   [Please select]


She had only the vaguest idea how he earned a living, and a still vaguer one of what that living represented.   [Please select]


They were surrounded by creatures ready to stimulate their slightest wishes and to translate their vaguest impulses into action.   [Please select]


The sense of activity is thus in the broadest and vaguest way synonymous with the sense of 'life.'   [Please select]


Told her, a good deal to his own surprise, stories of his early life in London--a chapter he'd never been willing to refer to, except in the vaguest terms, to anybody else.   [Please select]


They had sailed from New York with the vaguest ideas of the war conditions they would encounter; they believed that they were needed to do a nurse-maid's job for France.   [Please select]

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vaguer - vaguest - vagus