Sentence example with the word 'vagueness'


airiness, bodilessness, dimness, fog, ill-definedness, indefiniteness, low profile, obscurity, slightness, unclearness

Definition n. unclearness by virtue of being poorly expressed or not coherent in meaning

Last update: June 12, 2015


In this argument he emphasizes the vagueness of the boundaries which mark off organic species with a view to show that these do not correspond to absolutely fixed divisions in the objective world, that they are made by the mind, not by nature.   [Please select]


A profound vagueness enveloped that form clad in mourning.   [Please select]


The vagueness of habitat simply means that all south of the Han and Yang-tsz was _terra_ incognita to China proper.   [Please select]


This process of reproduction partly explains the wavering statements, of a peculiar vagueness, in so many elements of the dream.   [Please select]


Into this the road from the bridge goes straight and among the purple vagueness gently dissolves away.   [Please select]


It might be suggested that vagueness is the required characteristic, but I do not think this is the case.   [Please select]


Vagueness and accuracy are important notions, which it is very necessary to understand.   [Please select]


The subject of accuracy and vagueness will be considered again in Lecture XIII.   [Please select]


Precision and vagueness in thought, as in perception, depend upon the degree of difference between responses to more or less similar stimuli.   [Please select]


We may omit precision from out thoughts and confine ourselves to the distinction between accuracy and vagueness.   [Please select]


Moreover, the meaning of a word is not absolutely definite: there is always a greater or less degree of vagueness.   [Please select]

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vaguely - vagueness - vaguenesses