Sentence example with the word 'upreared'


Last update: August 24, 2015


Up a narrow stair sped Soapy and, opening one of the numerous doors, crossed to a truckle bed wherefrom a tousled head upreared itself.   [Please select]


And she rejected the frowning mass of red rock, upreared, riven and split and canyoned, so grim and aloof--for that was barren.   [Please select]


They met, upreared and snarled, slashing wolf-like for the throat, clawing madly to retain balance.   [Please select]


That was what clamped his brow in a sweaty band and upreared his hair and rolled his eyeballs.   [Please select]


So he sailed away without stop or tack until, a little before nightfall, Mount Ocha was seen upreared against the sky, and the pilot reported the Euboean coast.   [Please select]


His eyes passed on like a flash of lightning to a gigantic form that upreared itself from the rocks, an enormous wolf with red eyes, glistening fangs and slavering jaws.   [Please select]

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uprear - upreared - uprearing