Sentence example with the word 'upraise'


bear up, cheer, float high, hoick, lift, pitch, rear up, stand upright, upbear, uphold

Definition v. cause to become alive again

Last update: October 22, 2015


Eastward of the Archean gneiss in the west of Sutherland the effect of enormous underground pressure has been to upraise masses of the ancient gneiss and Torridonian sandstone and thrust them westward over the younger rocks.   [Please select]


Cumberly nodded shortly, and with upraised hand, cut him short.   [Please select]


Balthasar cried, with upraised tearful eyes.   [Please select]


Madame de Medici languidly surveyed the figure through the upraised emerald.   [Please select]


Jurgis stood upright; trembling with passion, his hands clenched and his arms upraised, his whole soul ablaze with hatred and defiance.   [Please select]


Close to the wall, a pistol in his left hand and an upraised stand-bag in his right, stood "Le Balafre."   [Please select]


Katie, peering round the door of the enclosed staircase, saw him raise the strap, and Anna's white face upraised piteously.   [Please select]


"Reader, your soul upraise to see, In yon fair cut designed by me, The pauper by the highwayside Vainly soliciting from pride."   [Please select]


The man stopped with upraised spear and faced the brush from which issued the awful sound.   [Please select]


Its rush was directed toward the shaggy manlike ape who halted in his tracks with upraised bludgeon to meet the assault.   [Please select]


The upraised stick descended in a series of rhythmic blows, sending into the air a cloud of dust.   [Please select]

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uppity - upraise - upraised