Sentence example with the word 'uppity'


arrogant, bumptious, cool, forward, high-headed, insolent, overbearing, presuming, purse-proud, self-asserting, toplofty

Definition adj. presumptuously arrogant

Last update: August 27, 2015


She de mos' uppity nigger on de hill, en de fus' news you know dey ull all hatter make der bows en call 'er Mistiss.'   [Please select]


Dat uppity li'l chap is des ez much a man ez you is a 'oman.   [Please select]


When Ah wants to be real uppity, Ah puts on an 'o.'   [Please select]


Brer Wolf bin so uppity 'bout diggin', en fillin', en kindlin', dat dey all 'spected 'im fer ter make de fus' trial; but, bless yo' soul en body.'   [Please select]

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uppishness - uppity - upraise