Sentence example with the word 'untilled'


acarpous, childless, dried-up, fruitless, ineffectual, jejune, nonproducing, sterile, unfertile, unprolific, wasted

Last update: June 19, 2015


Consequently there were large tracts of untilled " waste " land; but these rapidly responded to fertilization and rotation of crops, often yielding Boo to 1200 lb of cotton per acre, and Georgia in 1899 used more fertilizers than any other state in the Union.   [Please select]


The fields are parched and untilled.   [Please select]


The Indian summer wrapped with a soft touch of mourning purple much of desolation, much of untilled earth, and charred roof-tree, and broken walls.   [Please select]


The scene of operations was an untilled, flinty plain, a harmas, as we call it in the district.   [Please select]


Trees remained unfelled, the land untilled, while the men lay on the bare ground about the fort groaning and in misery.   [Please select]


There were no fences at all by the roadside now, and the land was rough and untilled.   [Please select]


Surely, they had argued, God was not on the side of those who kept an untilled field.   [Please select]

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until - untilled - untimelier