But his long reign is unstained by a single ignoble deed, and he devoted himself heart and soul to the promotion of the material and spiritual welfare of Denmark. [Please select]
"And how shall I ask of the pure and unstained what is denied to me by a sinner like mysell." [Please select]
She was resolved to return to Chiltern a better and a wiser and a truer woman, unstained by the ordeal. [Please select]
Dorn saw only low down, the gray arms reaching with bright, unstained blade. [Please select]
His subsequent career, if not always as fortunate as that portion which we have recorded, was unstained by cowardice or vice. [Please select]
They shot their arrows at him, but the arrows came back unstained with blood. [Please select]
They have left unstained what there they found-- Freedom to worship God. [Please select]
For the ayah's vain hopes of lingering life had left the face unstained, and the folded hands hid the crimson below them. [Please select]
"Comyn," said he, his voice breaking a little, "I have known you these many years as a man of unstained honor." [Please select]
De Galisonnière put away the unstained swords, quite satisfied with the affair, himself and everybody. [Please select]
He liked to believe that they were free from temptations, more true in their emotions, more generous in their affections, more unerring and unstained than men. [Please select]
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