extra, held in reserve, in hand, original, put by, spare, to spare, unconsumed, unexpended, untouched, unutilized
Last update: September 25, 2015
Dean continued to move, clutching the rope in a loop around his body while the unspent coil remained slung over his shoulder. [Please select]
For Rebecca had that something in her soul that "Gives to seas and sunset skies The unspent beauty of surprise." [Please select]
The hour was approaching when crowded halls and tents must make room for fresh and unspent gangs. [Please select]
"How much gold still unspent lies in thy charge in my treasure-chests." [Please select]
I have yet some gold unspent and jewels unsold: take all there is but let my people go free. [Please select]
She was healthy and active, quick at everything, and restless with unspent energy. [Please select]
Something terrifying in the cruel sting of the bitter wind that cut into the flesh like whip-lashes, and shrieked and howled in its unspent rage over that lonely and desolate mountain fastness. [Please select]
Fanning herself, she languidly supposed that the English political passion, so strong and unspent still in the aristocratic families, had laid serious hold at last on William Ashe. [Please select]
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