Sentence example with the word 'unsatisfied'


a hog for, cheerless, disappointed, gobbling, hot, malcontented, out of humor, randy, sex-starved, unappeased, whiny

Last update: October 10, 2015


The French claims set up by the pillage of foreign shops in Mexico had, however, remained unsatisfied, 1837.   [Please select]


Everything else they had that this life could give them, but it was all as nothing because the cry of their hearts was unsatisfied.   [Please select]


Crabb also had participated in the rich feast, and rose with the same unsatisfied but resigned look which characterized the rest.   [Please select]


It was a plaintive, melancholy melody she played first, throbbing with unsatisfied longing and quivering with pain and heartbreak.   [Please select]


But when she listened to Anne's simple homilies, and read her weighty sermons, they but made her restless and unsatisfied.   [Please select]


A moment later the whole pack, their famine still unsatisfied, swept off again upon the trail of the moose.   [Please select]


She ruffled her feathers, so to speak, and cooed to the young man half in feudal, half in unsatisfied maternal affection--for Mrs.   [Please select]


Unsatisfied with this, she gave notice of the impending danger to an officer of the garrison, in whom she placed confidence.   [Please select]


"Don't it seem to you, Zelotes," she asked her husband, "as if Albert was kind of discontented or unsatisfied these days."   [Please select]


Still unsatisfied, the court ordered that for his said offence he should for three years be disabled from bearing any office in the colony.   [Please select]


His face was still and serene, untroubled and unlined, but to Helen his eyes seemed sad, pensive, expressive of an unsatisfied yearning and wonder.   [Please select]

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unsatisfactory - unsatisfied - unsatisfying