Sentence example with the word 'unsalaried'


Last update: September 17, 2015


Provision was made; and Napoleon refused to tolerate the presence of unsalaried clerics on whom the government had no hold.   [Please select]


--Clearly, Honorable Mention belongs to the unsalaried State Commissioner of Tennessee, Col.   [Please select]


A force of game wardens, salaried and unsalaried, should at once be created.   [Please select]


Weld, that unsalaried helper in clerical labor; therein the secret lies.   [Please select]


To live as her aunt's unsalaried companion could not be attractive to her; but she wisely concluded that sufficient unto the day was the evil thereof, and she had yet to be educated and brought to that calm of spirit and strain of intellect which would satisfy Aunt Charlotte.   [Please select]

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unsalable - unsalaried - unsalted