Sentence example with the word 'unrisen'


Last update: July 17, 2015


It went now between long straight ramparts of hills that showed enormous and dark against a sky cleared to twilight by the unrisen moon.   [Please select]


Next a ray from the unrisen sun, a single spear of light shot suddenly across the sky, and as it appeared, from the darkness below us arose a sound of chanting, very low and sweet to hear.   [Please select]


High above all else, the domes of the Sacred Heart were white with the rays of the unrisen sun, like those of the City which came down from God.   [Please select]


Though its traditions may not reach far back into the historic twilight of ignorance, the rays of the unrisen sun strike upon its banners as they advance towards the future of mankind.   [Please select]

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unripeness - unrisen - unrivaled