Sentence example with the word 'unrevealed'


able, concealed, hush-hush, puzzling, suppressed, unbreatheable, undisclosed, unexposed, unknowable, unspied, untracked

Definition adj. not made known

Last update: November 3, 2015


His splendid oratorical power was as yet unrevealed; but his intellectual gifts being recognized his superiors charged him with the instruction of the novices.   [Please select]


Except in the case of children, he left unrevealed the individual heart that Keene so sympathetically exposed.   [Please select]


The city of New York had not yet outgrown its traffic in furs and its magnificent commercial destiny was still unrevealed.   [Please select]


For me there is a mystery unrevealed; Sweet Nature, speak to me.   [Please select]


She hoped that in some miraculous way yet unrevealed she might find it possible to remain in California.   [Please select]


Thackeray he snubbed on one of the few occasions they met, and Browning and Tennyson were alike unrevealed to him.   [Please select]


It is fairly impossible that serpent psychology should much longer remain unstudied, and unrevealed along the lines of plain common- sense.   [Please select]

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unreturnable - unrevealed - unrevised