Sentence example with the word 'unrefined'


animal, clodhopping, gauche, ill-educated, irregular, outlandish, roughhewn, unbookish, uneven, unlettered, ununiform

Definition adj. not refined or processed

Last update: January 8, 2017


Crude or unrefined petroleum needs a special air-spray pressure burner for its use, and this suffers from the disadvantage of being noisy.   [Please select]


"And I know _more_ than half a dozen of 'em," retorted Robin, somewhat sharply, "in what unrefined people call the _h_aristocracy of London."'   [Please select]


Missed it as she had--by a union with a perfectly commonplace, plodding, unimaginative, unsympathetic, unrefined nature.   [Please select]


Their language, like themselves, was mixed, and, we need scarcely add, unrefined.   [Please select]


When I was a young lady, it was thought unrefined to speak so--emphatically.   [noun]


In this unrefined condition it is obviously unsuitable for edible purposes.   [Please select]


'T was then thou sought'st on Albyn's hill, (When England's sons the strife resign'd) A rugged race resisting still, And unsubdued though unrefined.'   [Please select]


Go over the subject as we may, we come back to the question, Is the lash or something equally unrefined necessary to accomplish all the law now attempts.   [Please select]

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unreeved - unrefined - unreflective