It will, also, not seem at all unlikely that an American should be of unreasoningly extravagant and flighty mind. [Please select]
Suddenly she knew it, and the look in its eyes--the look she had, as a child, unreasoningly hated. [Please select]
She wept as tempestuously and unreasoningly as youth weeps, although she was not young. [Please select]
Penzance felt himself curiously exalted; he knew himself unreasoningly passing through an oddly unpractical, uplifted moment, in whose impelling he singularly believed. [Please select]
He was himself, and in him, in the personality flowing from him, she was unreasoningly content. [Please select]
For a second she unreasoningly wanted to avoid him, but she kept on, and she serenely talked about God, whose voice, Hugh asserted, made the humming in the telegraph wires. [Please select]
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