" Reason " and " enlightenment " were his watchwords; opposition to his wise measures he regarded as obscurantist and unreasonable, and unreason, if it proved stubborn, as a vice to be corrected with whips. [Please select]
I loved thee in my unreason, and my love strengthened with each hour of returning sense. [Please select]
Is faith but treason; Reason, unreason, But a mechanical weaving of words. [Please select]
"I'm glad I didn't think of going on the stage,"' she said, childish yet very feminine unreason combining with atavistic puritanism. [Please select]
Her look of exhaustion distressed him, and, for all her unreason, he felt himself astonishingly in sympathy with her. [Please select]
But then she turned from me to Dale, and feminine unreason took possession of her pen. [Please select]
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