behind the curtain, disguised, insensible, out of sight, unaccomplished, unbeheld, undiscernible, unfinished, unperceivable, unseen
Definitionadj. of persons
Last update: September 8, 2015
Her eyes were again searching his, as if for some lost part of herself, unrealized, never known before. [Please select]
She was still in a passion of rebellion against the inevitable--that old impatience and unrealized vanity which had helped to destroy her past. [Please select]
It has been the unrealized dream of generations of India and China merchants. [Please select]
So the surprised Federals gradually recovered from the first shock and began to feel and use their hitherto unrealized strength. [Please select]
They completely satisfy wishes excited during the day which remain unrealized. [Please select]
The true ideal of democracy--the rule of a people by the _demos_, or group soul--is a thing unrealized. [Please select]
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