Definitionn. the quality possessed by something that is unreal
Last update: August 3, 2015
There was too much of unreality in that movie. [Please select]
To the saintliness of the cloister he added the wisdom of the man of the world; he was constant in misfortune, not elated by prosperity, never "carrying things to the sweating-point'," but preserving, in a time of universal corruption, unreality and self-indulgence, a nature sweet, pure, self-denying, unaffected. [Please select]
My most trivial habits confirm my unreality. [Please select]
It was with a feeling of unreality, mingled with the borrowed excitement still at work within him, that he began his ascent of the stairs. [Please select]
Even the drive to Carrigmore with her aunt and sister filled her with a sense of dazed unreality. [Please select]
To add to the unreality, no ear could tell where the song came from; its own muffled quality disguised the source perfectly. [Please select]
The sense of the unreality of those past weeks grew stronger. [Please select]
In a word, the Mussalman's free choice of a Khalifa such as Islamic tradition defines is made an unreality. [Please select]
What we call the "unreality" of images requires interpretation it cannot mean what would be expressed by saying "there's no such thing." [Please select]
The combatants were now to fight over the reality or unreality of supernatural phenomena. [Please select]
REASON AND INTUITION[3] Of the reality or unreality of the mystic's world I know nothing. [Please select]
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