The fall of Adrianople on March 26 ended these unrealities; and on May 30 1913 the Ottoman delegates signed the Treaty of London. [Please select]
This mass of unrealities transfused and transmuted so that no one of them retains its individual nature is the Absolute. [Please select]
It is not enough that he stirs our emotions, and works up his unrealities into something resembling a poem. [Please select]
The real things of our experience may appear to melt away, to be dissolved by reflection into mere shadows and unrealities. [Please select]
I am getting hardened to unrealities,--perhaps I should say marvels, now. [Please select]
Its unrealities were vitally real, its Lilliputian sultans and pashas great potentates. [Please select]
Arbuthnot, Swift, and a host of the greater and lesser lights in literature, from his time to ours, have made merry over the supposed unrealities in the midst of which the Berkeleian must live. [Please select]
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