Definitionadj. not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity
Last update: August 29, 2015
They had unmitigated delight in the party. [Please select]
She was oblivious to him observing her with unmitigated admiration. [Please select]
Only an unmitigated despotism demands that the individual citizen shall obey unconditionally every mandate of persons in authority. [Please select]
Can it be that a breakdown which seems such an unmitigated disaster is really welcomed by a part of our own selves. [Please select]
The idea that we could get on without war was regarded as unmitigated weakness and folly. [Please select]
But I would not be silent, and denounced the authors of my imprisonment, whoever they might be, as unmitigated villains. [Please select]
He declared one of them to be an unmitigated ass to throw whom overboard would be to insult the Atlantic. [Please select]
Raffles would plan a fresh enormity, or glory in the last, with the unmitigated enthusiasm of the artist. [Please select]
"Frank Pennington, you're a good comrade, but you're a liar, an unmitigated liar." [Please select]
To gather it, denotes your superabundant sensitiveness, and that your jealous disposition will cause you unmitigated distress and pain. [Please select]
To have plaster fall upon you, denotes unmitigated disasters and disclosure. [Please select]
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