Sentence example with the word 'unmentioned'


Last update: July 29, 2015


This may illustrate the fact that the dragon is also unmentioned in the Hebrew cosmogony; to some writers the dragon-element may have seemed grotesque and inappropriate.   [Please select]


The reason unmentioned was that the presence of a chauffeur would lend an air of much needed propriety.   [Please select]


The manner in which he wooed and won this young and adorable ruler forms a very attractive chapter in romance, although unmentioned in history.   [Please select]


In complete but blissful ignorance that the other existed, the young legatees fell in love with persons unmentioned in the will and performed the highly commendable but exceedingly complicating act of matrimony.   [Please select]


So I set out to tell my children a few things about myself and to leave unmentioned some things which I do not want them to know about me.   [Please select]

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unmentionables - unmentioned - unmerciful