Sentence example with the word 'ungallantly'


Last update: September 14, 2015


"Help yourself," said Maguire, ungallantly, "and don't talk through your hat."   [Please select]


He ungallantly concludes "to lead the '_single life_,' and not," as he puts it, "trouble myself about the ladies."   [Please select]


"Your wife must be glad of it," said Raleigh, somewhat ungallantly; for, to tell the truth, he was nettled by Confucius's demeanor.   [Please select]


Kirkwood was aware of the lady's presence in Antwerp, on her part she had known nothing of him since he had so ungallantly fled her company in Sheerness.   [Please select]


This plan arranged itself spontaneously; but as the Boy had ungallantly called Gaetà "a little cat," and I was slightly _blasé_ of her dimples, I thought that I might count upon its being carried out.   [Please select]

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ungallant - ungallantly - ungalled