Sentence example with the word 'unfriendliness'


aggression, bellicosity, coldness, enmity, iciness, insociability, moroseness, saber rattling, tension, uncordiality, unpeacefulness

Definition n. dislike experienced as an absence of friendliness

Last update: October 7, 2015


The unfriendliness of the " brother " people, which added so much to the bitterness of Judah, although associated with the events of 586 (so especially 1 Esdras iv.   [Please select]


To say that they are antipathetic would be going too far, for there is nothing to make unfriendliness, nor, indeed, is there any unfriendliness.   [Please select]


I was going away so soon and I couldn't bear to go with any unfriendliness between us.   [Please select]


About the unfriendliness of the chauffeur there could be no doubt.   [Please select]


"Well, I guess there's a certain amount of unfriendliness between us."   [Please select]


It was no wonder they should stare, but there was an unfriendliness in their looks which Curdie did not like.   [Please select]

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unfriendliest - unfriendliness - unfriendly