Sentence example with the word 'unexpressed'


implicit, inferred, tacit, understood, unproclaimed, unpublished, unsaid, unsung, untold, unvoiced, voiceless

Definition adj. not made explicit

Last update: October 6, 2015


What could they possibly do but cling to their priest with a "blind and unexpressed faith" ?   [Please select]


After years of intimacy it was this unexpressed opposition more than the fancied loss of Kennicott's love which held Vida irritably fascinated.   [Please select]


This is a common maxim, and a still more common unexpressed prejudice.   [Please select]


The custodian's departure had left us alone, looking at each other across all the unexpressed knowledge that each knew the other had.   [Please select]


Thoughts unexpressed may sometimes fall back dead, But God himself can't kill them when they're said.'   [Please select]


He remembered for months, years even, her most trivial fancies, her unexpressed dislikes.   [Please select]


Kindness we bestow and praise, Laud their plumage, greet their lays; Still, beneath their feathered breast Stirs a history unexpressed.   [Please select]


He never would have guessed so much had been stored away in him, unexpressed till now.   [Please select]


Could it be possible--" He groped for her unexpressed meaning, and seeing that he had not grasped it she clarified it to his masculine intelligence."   [Please select]


Yüan Shih-k'ai and his supporters represented the conservative view, with the unexpressed but obvious aim of setting up a new imperial house and continuing the old gentry system.'   [Please select]

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unexposed - unexpressed - unexpressive