There are certain words which have been singled out and misused by the undiscriminating until their value is destroyed. [Please select]
But the world is not to be mended by merely regarding evil-doers with an expression of rather undiscriminating disapproval. [Please select]
It reminded the man of the round "castings" of fur or feathers which an owl ejects after its undiscriminating banquet. [Please select]
He came down on to my table--out of breath as he agitatedly rearranged his untidy feathers--and indignant--almost unreconcilable because I had been such an undiscriminating and feeble-minded imbecile as to be for one moment deceived. [Please select]
These Indians, once in league with the Iroquois but now quarreling violently with that confederacy, had been defeated and were in a mood of undiscriminating bitterness and vengeance. [Please select]
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