Sentence example with the word 'undisciplined'


adrift, disobedient, fluctuating, incontinent, licentious, recalcitrant, spineless, undependable, unreined, untoward, wavery

Definition adj. not subjected to discipline

Last update: September 16, 2015


What he saw was exactly how he pictured it: undisciplined scrambling by about a dozen Immortals in uniform.   [Please select]


He carried things with a high hand, indeed, treating the partners as he might a graceless lot of undisciplined midshipmen.   [Please select]


His mentality is not lacking; it is undisciplined, especially in its higher ranges, by hard effort.   [Please select]


He seemed to her in many ways as boyish and as undisciplined as Phil.   [Please select]


I think Kathleen will be all right when we really get to know her; but she is very undisciplined.   [Please select]


But our undisciplined ears have divided the ideas too long to bear to have them so abruptly shaken together.   [Please select]


They took him ill at first in that undisciplined camp, and queer things were said of him.   [Please select]


With an undisciplined flash of temper, Carl brutally clubbed his assailant into insensibility with the revolver butt and dragged him heavily to the tonneau of his car, throbbing unheeded in the darkness.   [Please select]


An undisciplined rabble of between three thousand and four thousand Gueux, under the direction of John de Soreas, gathered together in the neighborhood of Lille and Tournay, with a show of attacking these places.   [Please select]

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undischarged - undisciplined - undisclosed