The news of Bonaparte's signal victory over the Turkish army at Aboukir aroused general rejoicings undimmed by any save the vaguest rumours of his reverse at Acre. [Please select]
And then the patient's temper was so amiable, her mind, undimmed after eighty-three years of life, was a mirror of God. [Please select]
Yet they are alike for courage, hardihood, and mastery of the sea, and the traditions of the calling are undimmed. [Please select]
To her he had ever been the lover and the undimmed hero of her girlish dreams. [Please select]
--living, breathing, quickening with the fire of life undimmed in her. [Please select]
"The light of liberty that had been given to me I will pass undimmed unto others." [Please select]
Through his undimmed eyes I had glimpses of those happy shores whereon the sun always shines and no cloud arises beyond. [Please select]
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