"And don't you think it's bad enough for us to be aliens and undesirables," asked Anna-Felicitas, "without getting chronologically confused as well." [Please select]
"Pretty fair impudence, paying official honors to our undesirables, yet I don't see what we can do," said the senior from the Residency. [Please select]
That was likely enough his quarry, probably frightening other undesirables along in front of him. [Please select]
Without caste-marks, and in those shabby, muddy, torn clothes, we were obviously undesirables. [Please select]
He consulted other volumes containing supplementary lists of suspects and undesirables--lists furnished daily by certain services unnecessary to mention. [Please select]
In any composite immigrant population such as that of the United States there was bound to be a large element of undesirables. [Please select]
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