Sentence example with the word 'undertakers'


Last update: July 24, 2015


The archbishop was one of the "undertakers" who controlled the Irish House of Commons, and although he did not regain the almost dictatorial power he had exercised at an earlier period, which had suggested a comparison between him and Cardinal Wolsey, he continued to enjoy a prominent share in the administration of Ireland until his death, which occurred in London on the 19th of December 1764.   [Please select]


And so to make an experience of the Winds and Currents which have affrighted all undertakers by the North.   [Please select]


No rent was to be paid at first, and for ten years the undertakers were to be allowed to send their exports duty free.   [Please select]


'Here's two total strangers, disguised as undertakers, actually accusin' us of stealin' our own Puddin'.   [Please select]


Their top-hats and frock-coats were taken away, for fear the jury might take them for undertakers, and not scoundrels.   [Please select]


Then the undertakers were called in to screw down the coffin in my presence.   [Please select]


Not that there were grocers or undertakers among them; it was his way of impressing his sense of freedom upon them.   [Please select]


His knock was answered by a gray-haired man, with the gravity of deportment which is peculiar to lawyers, undertakers and footmen.   [Please select]


] He had also been one of the eight "undertakers" who, in 1627, assumed the debts and financial support of the Plymouth colony.   [Please select]


He is to be found under the carcasses of birds, Dogs or Cats, in the company of the undertakers-in-ordinary.   [Please select]


Outside the house, beyond the gates, a group of undertakers, who hid whenever a carriage drove up, waited in expectation of an important order for an expensive funeral.   [Please select]

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undertaker - undertakers - undertakes