There are many undated paintings in the museum. [Please select]
The small undated photo was quite dark but showed a couple, perhaps in their thirties, standing before a church window. [Please select]
Take, for example, these five notes to his wife, the first apparently written in 1848, but all undated: To Mrs. [Please select]
A third letter, also undated, but post-marked March 29, 1833, refers probably to the promise or announcement of a favourable notice. [Please select]
A second letter, undated, but evidently written a day or two later, refers to the promised notice, which had then appeared. [Please select]
A second letter to Miss Haworth is undated, but may have been written at any period of this or the ensuing year. [Please select]
An undated letter to Miss Haworth probably refers to the close of 1841. [Please select]
This work is undated, but, to judge from the preface, it was probably written soon after both Darrel and More were imprisoned. [Please select]
Another, undated extract might refer to the early summer of 1859 or 1860, when a meeting with the father and sister must have been once more in contemplation. [Please select]
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