Sentence example with the word 'unbranded'


Definition adj. not marked with a brand

Last update: October 13, 2015


Some of these small settlers owned no cattle, and subsisted by stealing calves and unbranded cattle (mavericks) belonging to the range cattlemen.   [Please select]


The title maverick was derived from a stock man of that name, whose practice was to claim _all_ unbranded calves in a herd.   [Please select]


It ain't fair to speak bad of the dead, but the truth is thet Al Auchincloss got his start by stealin' sheep an' unbranded cattle.   [Please select]


Every new rancher drives in a few unbranded calves an' keeps them.'   [Please select]


And so the name has commonly become associated with any half-grown, unbranded calf.   [Please select]


Well, I run on to an unbranded Pot-Hook-S calf that looks good to me, but I don't dare put my iron on him because he's too young to leave his mother.   [Please select]


Roy was to have charge of the horses on the ranch, of which there were several hundred, not counting many lost on range and mountain, or the unbranded colts.   [Please select]

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unbranched - unbranded - unbreakable