Sentence example with the word 'unbosoming'


Last update: August 28, 2015


He came once to take her to luncheon, but it was out of a sentiment for the past, and a need of unbosoming himself.   [Please select]


I was unbosoming myself--" "So; I will deach you to onbosom yourself of his Majesty's buttons.   [Please select]


It was as though the concentration, the tension, which he observed in her, and of which he was sensible in himself, must of necessity eventuate in some unbosoming, some act--almost involuntary--of self-revelation.   [Please select]


That's rank impertinence, I know; but after all, we are unbosoming our thoughts to each other to-day, and may as well speak openly.   [Please select]

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unbosomed - unbosoming - unbosoms