Sentence example with the word 'unavailable'


abortive, bootless, closed to, impenetrable, inaccessible, ineffectual, out of reach, unaccessible, unattainable, undiscoverable, unobtainable, unproductive, unsecurable, vain

Definition adj. not available or accessible or at hand

Last update: June 21, 2015


They said he was unavailable for comment, so I suppose he's a private person.   [Please select]


For mice from the intervening Siberian areas Russian workers have used the name _major_ which, as noted above, is unavailable.   [Please select]


Anne, the eldest, though she had handsome features, was deformed and had an impediment in her speech, which made her unavailable as a reader.   [Please select]


To be placed no doubt first to the account of "unavailable funds," and then, to the credit of the treasury.   [Please select]


1152, 1816, along with other names from Oken 1816, is judged to be unavailable under current rules of zoological nomenclature.   [Please select]


'None,' he said, 'or rather there is one which is unavailable.'   [Please select]


_ Children and storytellers alike will welcome these rich and robust folk tales, long unavailable.   [Please select]


I mailed it next day to the Knickerbocker, with stamps for return if unavailable.   [Please select]


Creamed Potatoes: If a double boiler is unavailable, cook in a heavy saucepan over medium heat until mixture thickens, about 5 minutes.   [Please select]


The island was so small that it contained no game of any kind, and so was unavailable to supply their wants.   [Please select]


There I learned among other things that a man I was anxious to have a word with was coming in on the noon train, but would be unavailable after arrival.   [Please select]

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unavailability - unavailable - unavailing