Sentence example with the word 'unappeased'


Last update: July 31, 2015


But though peace was for a time restored, the old causes of soreness and dissension remained unappeased, and as the time for the next presidential election began to draw near, it became more and more evident that a critical struggle was at hand, and that the people of Buenos Aires, supported by the province of Corrientes, were determined to bring to an issue the question as to what position Buenos Aires was to hold for the future with regard to the remaining provinces of the confederation.   [Please select]


Miss Josephine Barry, thin, prim, and rigid, was knitting fiercely by the fire, her wrath quite unappeased and her eyes snapping through her gold-rimmed glasses.   [Please select]


He suffered the hubbub to proceed unappeased for a little while he kept a watchful though furtive eye on that balcony to the left, below.   [Please select]


"Rode a devilish fine horse, too," put in the unappeased doctor.   [Please select]


A portion of his vengeance is yet unappeased--that due to him who was second in the duel.   [Please select]


Lady Flora Hastings still cracked her malicious jokes; the animosity of the Baroness was still unappeased.   [Please select]


Artemis, whose anger was still unappeased, caused a violent quarrel to arise between uncles and nephew, and, in the struggle which ensued, Meleager killed his mother's brothers, and then restored the hide to Atalanta.   [Please select]

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unappeasable - unappeased - unappetizing