Sentence example with the word 'twines'


Last update: October 26, 2015


When a sensitive tendril comes into contact with a foreign body, its growth becomes so modified that it twines round it.   [Please select]


# -- Gill Spinning for Shoe Threads, Rope Yarns, Binder and Trawl Twines -- The Automatic Gill Spinner -- Rope and Reaper Yarn Numbering.   [Please select]


Bind me, ye woodbines, in your twines Curl me about, ye gadding vines, And oh so close your circles lace, That I may never leave this place.   [Please select]


"Bind me, ye woodbines, in your twines, Curb me about, ye gadding vines, And oh, so close your circles lace, That I may never leave this place."   [Please select]


And slyly he traileth along the ground, And his leaves he gently waves, And he joyously twines and hugs around The rich mould of dead men's graves.   [Please select]


"The gray cat was no cat, but the great Serpent of Midgard, that twines round the world, and you lifted him so high that we were all quite frightened."   [Please select]


Fame twines a tardy crown of yellowing leaves.   [Please select]

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twiners - twines - twinge