Sentence example with the word 'twelvemonths'


Last update: June 26, 2015


"You're a likely lad," said the joiner; "serve me for a twelvemonths and a day and I will pay you well."'   [Please select]


And the first I will ask now, and the others will I ask at the same day twelvemonths, wheresoever ye hold your feast of Pentecost.   [Please select]


Well, Jack told him all the truth, that he had lost the great castle, and was going to look for it, and he had a whole twelvemonths and a day to find it out.   [Please select]


He agreed, for he was very hungry, and she brought him to her house in the wood, where he served her for a twelvemonths and a day.   [Please select]

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twelvemonth - twelvemonths - twelves