Sentence example with the word 'turmeric'


Definition n. widely cultivated tropical plant of India having yellow flowers and a large aromatic deep yellow rhizome

Last update: September 30, 2015


Turmeric is good for health.   [Please select]


The cultivated plants of the Indian region include wheat, barley, rice and maize; various millets, Sorghum, Penicillaria, Panicum and Eleusine; many pulses, peas and beans; mustard and rape; ginger and turmeric; pepper and capsicum; several Cucurbitaceae; tobacco, Sesamum, poppy, Crotolaria and Cannabis; cotton, indigo and sugar; coffee and tea; oranges, lemons of many sorts; pomegranate, mango, figs, peaches, vines and plantains.   [Please select]


With a yellow-ochre paint cake he smeared the legs and the breast, great streaks against the background of flour, ash, and turmeric.   [Please select]


Evidently the way in which, the turmeric dyes the cotton is different from that in which the madder dyes it.   [Please select]


Turmeric is the root portion of a plant called _curcuma tinctoria_, that grows in Southern Asia.   [Please select]


Yes, there were the gleaming pots, the cavernous shadows, the piled baskets of flour and turmeric and pulse, the odd little strings of dried cocoanuts and pipe cups, the blocks of red rock-salt.   [Please select]


, pour into a jar, and add carefully some of the soda-test solution until a piece of cloth dyed with turmeric is turned brown, when the acid is neutralised.   [Please select]

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