Sentence example with the word 'tunefully'


Definition adv. in a melodious manner

Last update: September 17, 2015


There woman's voice flows forth in song, Or childish tale is told, Or lips move tunefully along Some glorious page of old.   [Please select]


There woman's voice flows forth in song, Or childhood's tale is told, Or lips move tunefully along Some glorious page of old.   [Please select]


Some fern-cutters in shirt-sleeves and slouch hats were already at work, cutting with rhythmic precision, calling to one another, and whistling tunefully.   [Please select]


Wallace and Captain John; and so the evening picnic ended tunefully and pleasantly for all, and was long remembered by several.   [Please select]


Adle sang the canzonette tunefully enough, and with the navet of her age.   [Please select]


Soon she came singing back--singing, he thought, as blithely as a lark; just as sweetly and tunefully as any bird one could name.   [Please select]


Chapter 5 PRINCE CHARMING The old glove lay upon the floor forgotten while Rose sat musing, till a quick step sounded in the hall and a voice drew near, tunefully humming.   [Please select]

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tuneful - tunefully - tunefulness