As a philosopher, Favorinus belonged to the sceptical school; his most important work in this connexion appears to have been Hvppwvetot rpoiroc (the Pyrrhonean Tropes) in ten books, in which he endeavours to show that the methods of Pyrrho were useful to those who intended to practise in the law courts. [Please select]
All writers on Pyrrhonism after the time of Aenesidemus give the Tropes the principal place in their treatment of the subject. [Please select]
All authorities unite in attributing to Aenesidemus the work of systematizing and presenting to the world the ten Tropes of [Greek: epochĂȘ]. [Please select]
11, 79, which would make him quote the Tropes from a book by Theodosius,[2] author of a commentary on the works of Theodas. [Please select]
No writer of antiquity claims for the Tropes an older source than the books of Aenesidemus, to whom Aristocles also attributes them. [Please select]
The ideas contained in the Tropes were not original with Aenesidemus, but are more closely connected with the thought of earlier times. [Please select]
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